
Thursday, December 6, 2012

Hear ye, hear ye - let's exchange some cookies

We want to do a holiday cookie exchange! Make some cookies, one or two kinds, and bring them to Michelle and Brittany's apartment next Thursday, Dec. 13, at 7:00. Or just come and eat some cookies.

We will eat cookies and bring cookies home! Christmas cookies! And Michelle is making sugar cookies for us to decorate, so bring anything but sugar cookies. If you have some kind of fun frosting for sugar cookies, you could bring that. Also, you can bring a Christmas movie and we will see what we want to watch.

Comment here or on Facebook to RSVP! If you don't know where Michelle and Brittany's apartment is, we will let you know.

Just so you know, Brittany wanted to say "hear ye, hear ye." She feels really strongly about it.