
Friday, December 21, 2012

Pissaladiere (Onion Tart)

At least six or seven years ago my dad found this book, Paris in a Basket, at a used book sale. It's not really a cookbook - it's more great descriptions and pictures of a lot of the different markets in Paris with occasional recipes added in. I made this onion tart for the first time about when I got the book from my dad, way before I had any cooking skills. It's a really tasty and pretty tart with surprising flavors. 

The intro in the book says: 

"Although Annie Boulanger is writing a cookbook of her own, she was generous enough to share her recipe for pissaladiere with us. There are many different versions of this recipe: in Provence it is made without egg; in other regions a bit of custard is added; and often a lot custard is added and it resembles a quiche. We like Annie's version the most and if you love onions this is for you!"
I've had a cold so my Hines Ward mug has been very busy.
(I didn't use this recipe for the pastry since I had leftover dough in the fridge, but I remember it being good and flaky.)

For the pastry:

1 1/3 cups flour

1/2 tsp salt
1/4 cup olive oil
8 tbs ice water

For the filling:

2 lbs onions

3 tbs olive oil
2 eggs
1/2 cup liquid cream
salt and pepper to taste
1 pinch nutmeg
1 pinch cinnamon

1. Place the flour in salt in a bowl. Add the oil in a slow stream, incorporating it into the flour. Do not over-mix; add the water one tablespoon at a time. As soon as the dough is manageable, cover and let stand for half an hour.

2. Slice the onions finely. Heat the olive oil in a large pan. Add the onions and saute for 20 minutes over medium heat, stirring frequently. 

3. Roll the dough out on a floured board, and place in a buttered mold. Trim the edges, and prick the bottom with a fork. Place a sheet of waxed paper on top, and cover with beans to weigh it down. Bake for 12 minutes in a hot oven, 400. Remove from oven, discard the beans and paper, and put back in the oven for five minutes more. (I never do the beans and paper stage - my mom never does either. It may poof up but it always settles back down. The one time I did try to include this step it ruined my crust because the paper stuck. I'm probably missing something. I baked this shell for 12 minutes.) 

4. Lower oven heat to 375. 

5. In a large bowl, mix together the eggs and cream; and season generously with salt, pepper, nutmeg and cinnamon. Add the onions, mix well, and pour the mixture into the tart shell.

6. Place in the oven, and bake for 30 minutes. Raise the heat to 400 and bake another 10 minutes to brown the top. (I didn't do this stage either - it was already brown enough for me.) When slightly cool, remove from mold, slice, and serve. This quiche can be eaten either hot or cold.

1 comment:

  1. I saw this and I was thinking it was French even before I read the rest of your post! I love onion tarts and I had one just like this when I was in France. I can't wait to make it!
