
Saturday, January 12, 2013

2 Pizzas: Cheesy BBQ Ranch & Cheesy Lemon

I made two pizzas for dinner since I was feeling indecisive. I wanted to use up the last of the crock pot BBQ beer chicken that I made after Julia posted about it (after I did sandwiches, I'd been using it on crackers). I also wanted to try a lemon pizza since I'd never done that before and I love lemons. So I made two smallish pizzas. 

I used half whole wheat flour and half all-purpose for the pizza dough for the first time, using my normal pizza dough recipe. It's tasty but it didn't come together as well when I was mixing. It was a bit harder to form into pretty pizzas. I think I need to experiment more. 


1 pizza dough
ranch dressing
grated cheddar
shredded BBQ chicken (try Julia's easy recipe and use leftovers!)
thinly sliced onions

Spread out the dough, spread on a layer of ranch dressing. Cover with a thin layer of grated cheese. Then spread out your BBQ chicken in another thinnish layer. Top with sliced onions and bake at 425 for 25-30 minutes.


1 pizza dough
(estimating) for half pizza:
1/2 cup ricotta
1 egg
2-3 cloves crushed garlic
1 tbsp grated romano (or parmesan)
1/2 cup grated monterey jack or provolone
some pepper
some chili pepper
some paprika
some oregano
very thinly sliced lemon
a little salt

Mix together everything but the lemons and salt in a bowl. Spread out the dough and cover with the cheesy mixture. Top with VERY thinly sliced lemons (mine could have been more thinly sliced - most of them were easy to eat but the slightly thicker ones had to be torn apart). Sprinkle with salt and bake at 425 for 25-30 minutes.

For another lemon pizza recipe, look at A Cozy Kitchen's. I didn't follow their recipe but that's where I got the idea for a lemon pizza. Also, I think their blog header thing is really cute. 


  1. The cheesy lemon pizza sounds really interesting and different! I just picked up some Meyer lemons at the store today. They'd be perfect for this recipe. Can't wait to try it!

  2. Yeah, you'll have to let me know how it turns out! I guess you wouldn't have to worry so much about slicing them paper thin?

  3. I was skeptical, but these were delish.
